Serial fiction

This groundbreaking service revolves around delivering serialised fiction directly to subscribers’ inboxes, transforming the traditional reading experience into an engaging and interactive journey.

Revolutionising Storytelling through Email-Driven Serial Fiction

Seamlessly blend the timeless allure of storytelling with the efficiency of email marketing tools. Serial fiction, or serialised fiction, is literature that is released in sequential instalments, unveiling a narrative gradually.

Our service harnesses the power of email marketing tools to deliver these captivating tales directly to subscribers, creating a unique and intimate connection between storytellers and their audience.

You may wonder, “Am I a storyteller? How can I take advantage of this possibility?” We know that serial fiction is not for every business. Keep reading and you may discover that your company fits perfectly in this privileged group. Keep an open mind, be creative and surprise your audience!

Serialised fiction by email

How does Serial Fiction Work?

You have a story to tell, and now you can send it to your subscribers and engage them in your story. Provide them with experiences instead of information. As simple as 1, 2, 3:

  1. You craft your story, usually fiction, but really anything that can be serialised and is interesting and compelling. We can help you adapt it to a serialised email workflow, serve as beta readers and suggest improvements and a quality assurance process.
  2. You may even create alternative storylines or endings, depending on your users’ feedback, segmentation or preferences. Thus you can can tailor your serialised fiction to specific reader preferences, ensuring that each instalment resonates with the intended audience.
  3. Using our email marketing tools, we can schedule and automate the release of each instalment, creating a seamless progression for readers. This not only saves time for creators but also ensures that readers receive their anticipated chapters consistently.

More Information about our Serial Fiction Service

The advantages that your business gains by sending serialised fiction are many and varied. Some of its features tap into your audience’s need for emotional experiences.

  • Serialised fiction delivered through emails taps into the emotional anticipation reminiscent of waiting for the next instalment in a beloved magazine. The deliberate pacing enhances suspense, keeping readers eagerly awaiting each new chapter, creating a sense of shared excitement.
  • Creating a sense of community is intrinsic to serialised fiction. Our service facilitates reader feedback, allowing subscribers to share their thoughts, predictions, and reactions. This two-way interaction fosters a community of dedicated readers, enhancing the overall reading experience.
  • Responsive design ensures optimal display across various devices, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the story wherever they are.
  • Advanced analytics allow you to gauge reader engagement, track open rates, and analyse which elements resonate the most. This iterative process enables your to refine your narratives for maximum impact.
  • This service prioritises compliance with data protection regulations, offering tools for managing subscriber preferences. Subscribers have the autonomy to opt-in or out, ensuring that the serialised fiction is delivered only to those who actively seek it.

Who can Benefit from Creating Serialised Fiction?

Our service, empowered by advanced email marketing tools, is a game-changer in the storytelling landscape. From precision engagement and crafting compelling narratives, to automated delivery and community building, this service encapsulates the essence of digital storytelling. Embracing the fusion of classic storytelling traditions with modern communication technology, it offers a platform for creators to captivate their audience, one instalment at a time.

Publishing Houses

Publishing houses

Elevate book releases drip-feeding compelling chapters to subscribers, building anticipation and ensuring a sustained buzz around new books and authors.

Authors and Independent Writers

Authors and independent writers

Build a faithful audience by providing them with exclusive previews of your new works. Create cliff-hangers and make them rush for your latest masterpiece.

Travel Agencies

Travel agencies

Travel literature is an all-time favourite for travellers and adventurers. Create mystique around your destinations and show the hidden treasures no explorer can afford to miss.

Event Organisers

Event organisers

Serialised fiction elevates events by building anticipation, fostering community engagement, and creating themed narratives. Organisers can use it to enhance brand storytelling, interactive elements, and post-event reflections.



By intertwining brand stories within serialised content, influencers can seamlessly blend entertainment with promotion. This strategic fusion sustains audience interest while cultivating a unique and memorable connection.

Educators and Communicators

Teachers, educators and communicators

Serial fiction enhances e-learning with engaging language, arts, literature and storytelling lessons. Tech and science communicators can use it to simplify complex topics for a broader audience.

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